Everlasting Romance | Market Bouquets


A bountiful, artfully arranged bouquet of dried pastel botanicals. Each bouquet is unique. Photos depict the general color scheme and represent a sample of florals that may be included. Makes a stunning display in a vase or basket. No special care needed and will last for months.

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A bountiful, artfully arranged bouquet of dried pastel botanicals. Each bouquet is unique. Photos depict the general color scheme and represent a sample of florals that may be included. Makes a stunning display in a vase or basket. No special care needed and will last for months.

A bountiful, artfully arranged bouquet of dried pastel botanicals. Each bouquet is unique. Photos depict the general color scheme and represent a sample of florals that may be included. Makes a stunning display in a vase or basket. No special care needed and will last for months.

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